Ouvrez grand
Une petite envie de vomir
Je viens de lire le texte d'André Noël à propos d'un candidat du PQ, Robin Philpot, qui nie le génocide rwandais. Pour Robin Philpot, l'été sanglant de 1994 n'était pas un génocide. Auteur de Ça ne s'est pas passé comme ça à Kigali, M. Philpot doute de la « version officielle », selon laquelle 800 000 Tutsis ont été tués par des milices de la majorité hutue.
Je viens de lire le texte et j'ai comme une petite nausée.
Y a-t-il eu génocide au Rwanda ? Me semble que l'affaire est entendue. Et dire que des Tutsis ont, eux aussi, tué des hutus, dire ça pour invalider la thèse — largement documentée — du génocide c'est... c'est... En fait, je ne sais pas ce que c'est. J'ai juste envie de vomir.
Blogue de Patrick Lagacé, 8 mars 2007
Les commentaires sur ce billet sont éclairants. Dans l'édition papier, La Presse publie aussi un anthropologue de cégep qui ne vole pas plus haut au plan de l'argumentaire. La photo est un lien vers la version anglaise en ligne du livre de Philpot, et cette page contient des critiques positives du livre, dont une de La Presse; sinon voici de quoi comprendre ce que Philpot veut que nous sachions:
When International Criminal Tribunal prosecutor Carla Del Ponte learned from a Canadian newspaper in 2000 that the Rwandan Patriotic Front and its leader Paul Kagame were prime suspects in the April 6, 1994, assassination of the presidents of Rwanda and Burundi, she reportedly said: "If it is the RPF that shot down the plane, the history of genocide must be rewritten".
Re-writing the History of the Rwandan Genocide, Robin Philpot, 15 mai 2004
Et d'une entrevue avec Boutros-Ghali, secrétaire général des Nation Unies lors des massacres:
"The US authorities have taken control of the UN system through financial administration and the appointment of officers and staff who are paid directly by the United States. The UN doesn't have the means to appoint senior officers and specialist staff. When these people are selected and paid by a foreign government, they are obviously more loyal to that government than to the UN. As a result, reports presented to the Secretary General and to the Security Council are purged and modified." To find out more about this analysis, Boutros-Ghali recommends reading the paper entitled Multilateralism Besieged that he presented on behalf of the South Centre in October 2004 (www.southcentre.org).
"In practical terms," he added, "in the case of Rwanda, the Department of Peace-Keeping Operations (DPKO) would send me reports on the situation based on information provided by my special envoy Jacques-Roger Booh-Booh, General Romeo Dallaire and others. But these reports would be purged, modified and drafted according to a specific foreign policy."
Asked about the famous fax sent by General Dallaire to the UN headquarters in January 1994 describing a plan to eliminate many Tutsis, Boutros-Ghali replied: "That story is greatly exaggerated. There was not only one fax. Every day the UN would receive faxes saying 'We heard there's a plot afoot' And that leads to another weakness of the UN. The UN has no intelligence service. Member countries are much more informed about what's going on than the UN Secretary General. Moreover, they refuse to share their information!"
Boutros-Ghali: a CIA Role in the 1994 Assassination of Rwanda's President Habyarimana?, Robin Philpot, 27 février 2005
Et ce texte clair et court est aussi utile:
On 6th April, 1994, triggered by the shooting down of Rwandan President Habyarimana's plane, a planned campaign of slaughter was unleashed by extremist Hutus, against members of the Tutsi ethnic group and moderate Hutus. Meanwhile, instead of acting to save lives, the UN Security Council drastically reduced the presence of UN troops.
After the killing started, the UN did propose to dispatch 5,500 troops to help stop the massacres. Pressure from the US and Britain meant that the deployment was delayed. They also argued - in the midst of genocide - that there had to be a ceasefire before troops could be deployed. Britain also sought to block the use of the word 'genocide' because under the 1948 UN Convention, this would have obliged states to 'prevent and punish' those responsible.
10 Years Later: The Role of the West in the Rwandan Genocide, Emma Miller, 2 avril 2004
Je rappelle que Patrick Lagacé avait déclaré à TLMEP que les victimes libanaises de la 5ième invasion Israélienne n'étaient pas complètement au dessus de tout soupçon. T'es une pute, chose. Une ordure ?
Libellés : philpot, propagande, richard martineau
2 Commentaires, commanditaires:
C'est le genre de propos qui me démoralise. J'ai justement vu le film "Hôtel Rwanda" il y a quelques semaines, un film bouleversant. Au-delà de la présentation du dossier façon Hollywood, ce génocide est un fait - pas de la fiction ! il me semble que de nier le tout, c'est aussi nier son humanité.
Et Carla Del Ponte, la procureure générale du Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda (TPIR), elle a aussi nié son humanité ? Et Philpot a nié quoi au juste ? Un estimé du nombre de victimes tutsis ? Citation s.v.p. ? Il en a contre l'utilisation propagandiste du terme génocide, qui sert à cacher notre implication dans le viol continuel de l'Afrique, et refaire l'histoire pour donner un beau rôle aux forces de Paul Kagame, formé, comme nombre de ses officiers du FPR, par la School of Americas. Vous avez le choix: ou Hollywood et La Presse, ou le monde réel. Un bon resumé de la situation:
Since coming to power in 1994, the Rwanda government of current President Paul Kagame has incessantly sung the “Tutsi victims of Genocide” refrain. Indeed, to question the Genocide against the Tutsis—as I do here – is to be accused of Genocide, or at least supporting “the Genocide.” This is a scary and effective deterrent to truth and it effective. Meanwhile the RPF has slaughtered over 500,000 people.
The Hutu plans for Genocide against Tutsis were known by UN, US and French officials months in advance. No matter how loud UN Assistance Mission to Rwanda General Romeo Dallaire screamed, no one on the other side of the Atlantic seemed to hear. (Dallaire is literally insane today.) But this was not, as President Clinton told a crowd of Genocide survivors in Rwanda in1998, because “the US Government did not know what was happening at the time.” Clinton could not have told a more blatant lie, and the Rwandans knew it. The RPF made it clear that they would attack UN forces. Thus when Commander Kagame and his government scream that “the UN did nothing” – it very neatly makes victims out of terrorists. UN General Dallaire was outside the loop. He was dispensable.
Arms continued to pour into Rwanda. As the Genocide unfolded, the UN Security Council and the administration of US President Bill Clinton took steps to insure that no intervention would disrupt what, today, can be seen as a long-range business plan to extract personal profit from the Great Lakes region. But the Hutus obviously knew what the US government and its faithful media wouldn’t tell: The RPF terrorists and their US-backers were about to storm Rwanda.
By the conventional wisdom, Paul Kagame and the RPF stopped the Rwanda Genocide. In fact, the RPF killing machine – facing the Hutu hard-line government and allied French forces under cover of a UN “peacekeeping” called Operation Turquoise—committed untold atrocities and massacres. Meanwhile the western media portrayed the RPF as an equitable and highly disciplined military force. Human rights experts sympathetic to the US or the RPF helped frame the conflict. The Clintons and Bushes watched from the wings.
It is true that the Hutu Genocidiares very systematically eliminated enemies, both perceived and real, with no attempt to conceal the trails of mutilated bodies and massacres. These were hundreds of thousands of innocent people caught in the crossfire of international corporate terrorism and their war-making agenda. The RPF, on the other hand, was careful to control access to areas where RPF soldiers perpetrated massacres on thousands of combatants and innocent and mostly unarmed civilians – a policy which mirrors US military restrictions or selective access to the killing fields like Iraq.
The RPF-UPDF-US Congo alliance forces have used School of the Americas tactics. Indeed, they share some of the same trainers. Tactics include disguising themselves as the enemy and committing massacres against innocent, unarmed people, and then using these attacks as grounds for counter-insurgency operations, for scorched-earth campaigns of reprisal and elimination. No matter the scale or frequency of atrocities they commit, the Rwanda Congo alliance and its US covert forces continue to enjoy muted international criticism, at best. Mostly there is this uncanny silence. The human toll from this Central African contre-genocide alone may exceed 1,000,000. That’s the magic number that should wake you up, make you pay attention.
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