if you don't happen to take part in that system of illusions and self-deception, what you say is incomprehensible
samedi, mai 26, 2007
mardi, mai 22, 2007
Nahr al-Bared
When I was growing up, when Palestinian refugee camps would get pounded--and they frequently were by Lebanese, Syrian, Jordanian, and Israeli armies (and sectarian militias in Lebanon) the Arabs would offer rhetorical support--but no more. Nowadays, there is not even rhetorical support. The Palestinians are all alone--even their leadership is working against them.
Angry Arab, 21 mai 2007
Pour suivre les événements, sans filtre:
vendredi, mai 18, 2007
Je vous en supplie
Lors de la sacro-sainte montée des marches du Palais des festivals, mercredi soir, je n'avais pas été le seul à remarquer une beauté chinoise renversante, par ailleurs vêtue d'une robe bleue minimaliste côté face, et d'un décolleté vertigineux côté pile, nettement en dessous de deux petites fossettes situées quelque part au niveau des hanches.Je veux la photo côté pile de Shu Qi... aidez-moi à retrouver mon équilibre mental.
Quand Hou Hsiao Hsien filme Paris, Louis-Bernard Robitaille, 18 mai 2007
Libellés : salivation
Une coche au dessus de Donald Rumsfeld
The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't (Or where it isn't from where it is, depending on which is the greater) it obtains a difference or deviation. The inertial guidance system use deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from the position where it is to the position where it isn't. The missile arrives at the position where it wasn't, consequently the position where it was is now the position where it isn't. In the event that the position where it is now is not the same as the position where it originally wasn't the system has acquired a variation, (variations are caused by external factors and the discussion of these factors is not considered to be within the scope of this report) the variation being the difference between where the missile is and where the missile wasn't. If the variation is considered to be a significant factor it too may be corrected by the inertial guidance system. Moreover, the missile must now know where it was also. The "Thought Process" of the missile is as follows: Because a variation has modified some of the information which the missile had obtained, it is not sure where it is. however, it is sure where it isn't and it knows where it was. It now subtracts where it should be from where it wasn't (or vice versa) and by differentiating this from the algebraic difference between where it shouldn't be and where it was, it is able to obtain the difference between it's deviation and it's variation, this difference being called the Error.
Ferranti Bloodhound Inertial Guidance System
Je n'ai pu trouver l'original.
Libellés : hmmmm
jeudi, mai 17, 2007
Dans La Presse aujourd'hui
Mais, Dieu merci! On avait remplacé Fifi Abdu, l'icône des 50 ans de Cannes, par une ravissante jeune taiwanaise du nom de Shu Qi, une ex-star du porno devenue égérie de la jeunesse asiatique et qui était vêtue de la robe de soirée de l'heure: la robe à multiples ouvertures, à mi-chemin entre la toge romaine et le pagne de plage.
La jolie princesse avait été choisie avec le vieux cinéaste portugais Manoel de Olivera pour déclarer l'ouverture officielle du 60e. La belle s'acquitta fort bien de la tâche, nous faisant oublier sa piètre performance sur le tapis rouge quelques minutes plus tôt alors que l'animateur de Télé Festival la harponnait avec son micro. Qu'est-ce que vous pensez du Festival de Cannes? demanda Monsieur Télévision à Shu Qi. Deuuh, a bredouillé la belle avant de consulter son attaché de presse et de lancer la réponse du siècle: «C'est une bonne festival...»
Cannes, la sexagénaire, Nathalie Petrowski, 17 mai 2007
Fatiguant la porno... pour une première fois dans l'histoire de ce blogue, le lien de la photo mène vers le grand format, comme le veut Blogspot.
Libellés : minois
lundi, mai 14, 2007
De l'auteur de Glengarry Glen Ross
The apostate Jew is a “fraud.” “The world hates the Jews,” and so “his delusion of freedom to choose sentences him to a life of disappointment.” He “muddles toward community and calls it yoga, self-help, agnosticism, Buddhism.” Or he tries “sports,” and “college tutoring,” and will pay outrageous sums for “an inert white cream that has been suggested to reverse the aging process.” He is “deluded” to think he can integrate into “society at large.” He thinks the Holocaust “was not tragic.”
Mamet Embraces Ritual, Spews Venom at Lapsed Jews, Philip Weiss, 8 octobre 2006
via-1 David Peterson.
jeudi, mai 03, 2007
Se tenir debout
See I’ve known terror for quite some time - 57 years so cruel - Terror breathes the air I breathe - It’s the checkpoint on my way to school - Terror is the robbery of my land - And the torture of my mother - The imprisonment of my innocent father - The bullet in my baby brother - The bulldozers and the tanks - The gases and the guns - The bombs that fall outside my door - All due to your funds
Merci Sami
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