jeudi, mai 21, 2009

Joyce Napier, un martini à la main

The real reason behind Obama’s reversal of a decision to release the torture photos has been almost completely ignored by the corporate media - the fact that the photos show both US and Iraqi soldiers raping teenage boys in front of their mothers.

Media Ignores Real Controversy Behind Torture Photos; They Show Prison Guards Raping Children, Paul Joseph Watson, 21 mai 2009

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mercredi, mai 20, 2009

RDD, lui, il citait du Esther Delisle, faque y compte pas, alors combien ?

[...] la rentabilisation de l’aéroport de Saint-Hubert l’emporte sur le français. Alors, on appelle à la rescousse les étudiants de John-Abbott en leur offrant des cours dans leur langue afin de ne pas les traumatiser, et comme pour bien les convaincre qu’ils n’auront pas à travailler en français au Québec.

Tout cela donne à réfléchir. En particulier, sur l’opinion que les Québécois ont d’eux-mêmes et de la place qu’ils croient devoir occuper dans leur pays. Par les temps qui courent on ne voit, chez beaucoup d’entre eux, qu’incertitude, vacillements et manque de confiance. Qu’ils sont tristes, malgré le temps écoulé, les effets de la conquête !


Que les locuteurs français ne forment que 2 % de l’Amérique du Nord est sans importance. Notre fragilité ne doit pas nous empêcher d’être charitables. Voilà pourquoi, par exemple, dans le dossier des deux méga-hôpitaux de Montréal, le gouvernement offre 50 % des budgets aux 12 % de la population que constitue la minorité anglophone (langue maternelle) dans la région métropolitaine. Il oublie que la bonasserie est plus près de la bêtise que de la bonté.

L’Université McGill, comme l’ENA, doit songer elle aussi à augmenter sa clientèle étudiante. Après tout, n’est-elle pas l’université d’une minorité ? Voilà pourquoi elle courtise avec tant d’énergie les étudiants francophones, qui forment à présent 20 % de ses effectifs. Mais, contrairement à l’ENA, elle leur offre des cours dans sa langue à elle.

L’affaire du doigt dans l’oeil, Yves Beauchemin, 14 mai 2009

Aussi, ai vu This film is Not Yet Rated sur, que j'ai beaucoup aimé, malgré un combo malaisant: les longueurs surviennent pour majorité lors de la mise en scène de moments de fausse complicité entre le protagoniste-documentariste et la détective privé lesbienne semi-âgée carrée mais éminemment sympathique qui traque les membres du très secret club de grébiches œuvrant à classifier les films pour la Motion Picture Association of America, qui souvent paraissent appris; lui donne bon +.

ai aussi beaucoup aimé Le dictionnaire des expressions québécoises; j'avais bien besoin de ça je crois. Me suis régalé du dernier Falardeau, la claque à Stéphane Baillargeon en particulier, mais ça regorge de traits de pensée structurés, fondés et le plus souvent truculents, dont les déjà classiques emboîtages du canichesque Patrick Lagacé et du post-post-post moderne André Pratte; lui donne deux cheese garnis.

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mardi, mai 19, 2009

La fête des patriotes (et la veille)

#25 posted by mneptok, May 17, 2009 9:45 AM

Tabernac ...

First, Francophones in Quebec are not French, they are Quebecois.

Second, after three years of living in Montreal I can personally attest that many of the old-guard Quiet Revolution Quebecois *are* racist. The language laws they enacted are ample proof of this.

#27 posted by DoctorWhat, May 17, 2009 9:58 AM

if she'd been "pur laine", the cop would likely have laughed and sent her on her way.

#28 posted by Takuan, May 17, 2009 10:09 AM

? if openly racist police policy is practiced in other parts of Canada, the federal government takes an interest. Why is Quebec exempt?

#114 posted by PJG, May 18, 2009 7:08 AM

We really are okay folks without a 'culture-killing' bone in our bodies, and yet friends of mine have returned from Montreal with the odd horror stories of getting yelled at by a clerk at a Burger King, or threatened by strangers on the street. We read stories of those living in Quebec who want to send their kids to an English school but because they're French aren't allowed. Or my husband not being able to get a copy of his birth certificate from a federally funded hospital because they refuse to speak English on the phone.

via-1 Carnet Résistant

Et en souvenir: Peoplehood and partition, Jonathan Kay, 15 février 1999

Libellés :


You know, this unfortunate incident in the treatment of vulnerable immigrant workers raises the question of whether our neighbours in English Canada are really *ready* for independence. I mean, before we Québécois actually grant sovereignty to English Canada, we would be well to reflect on whether this newly independent English Canadian state would have a sufficiently developed culture of tolerance and civil society. Just what assurance would we – and the world – have that democratic norms would be respected and that there won’t be a degeneration into “majoritarian ethnic tyranny”? I’m thinking maybe of something like, oh, genre an OSCE Verification Mission, you know to monitor and confirm English Canada’s progress in the areas of democratization, respect for diversity, human rights, and to see how it’s addressing and correcting its “politics of exclusion.” Will *all* English Canadians be considered *real* English Canadians?

It’s at least heartening to know that Ms. Dhalla’s party is headed by the author of the inspired and groundbreaking “Blood and Belonging”, was a Distinguished Harvard Professor of Sanctimony, a “human rights expert” who lent his expertise to the project of U.S. aggression against Iraq in violation of the Nuremberg Protocols, and is now an earnest advocate for the rights of small vulnerable communities facing persecution and marginalization such as the Alberta Tar Sands Lobby and the realtors and drillers of Fort McMuck. But what guarantees are there that such moderates will not, in an independence scenario, be eclipsed by hardliners? By « purs et durs », si vous me permettez l’expression…

commentaire sur AngryFrencGuy, James, 18 mai 2009

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dimanche, mai 17, 2009

Clair, deuxième partie

It's too bad that Mr. Brulé doesn't speak French.

No, what Mr. Brulé actually speaks is 'Quebecoise', a bastardized version of the language of Moliere, more closely related the incomprehensible crap that is spoken in Haiti, than what is spoken in France.

Listening to Quebecoise is as painful as is listening to the 'Ebonics' of the American black ghetto. Both groups make the argument that their version of their mother language is meritorious and rich, but nobody in France or in America would agree with that nonsense.

Both represent a dumbing down of a language which they clearly are unable to master properly. French is a difficult language to master and with a high school dropout rate of over thirty percent in Quebec, it's no wonder that the language has degenerated, exactly as has English, in the poor black ghettos of the United States.

It's easy to be a language racist, No Dogs or Allophones, 9 mai 2009 via-1 Vigile

Autres perles:

The show (Bye-Bye) lampoons Quebec personalities and has a history of cruelly insulting anglophones and immigrants.

It seems that sovereignists will have another 'humiliation' to suffer and I'm sure we will soon see a vitriolic attack on the French president reminding him to mind his own business. For anglophone Quebeckers, it will be delicious entertainment

it's not easy for a francophone Quebecker to be a federalist or to support inclusiveness. [...] in Quebec, inclusiveness remains more popular than sectarianism, in spite of the overwhelming sovereignist pressure

Bill 101 (La Charte de la langue française) is the law passed in 1977 that made French the official language of the Province of Quebec and otherwise curtailed English rights.

Our beloved Mayor Tremblay is crossing his fingers, hoping that she'll run, so that he can remind the 50% of Montrealers who's mother tongue is other than French of her true 'racist nature.' Yes, Louise (Harel), stick a fork in you, you're done. Better get yourself a nice safe government job in Quebec city where these types of statements are not only tolerated but encouraged.


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vendredi, mai 15, 2009

Ça ne s'éteindra jamais

Merci hecKtör Dangüs, esq.

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jeudi, mai 14, 2009


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mardi, mai 12, 2009

Pourquoi mourir

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samedi, mai 09, 2009


Plus sérieusement, M. Rozon semble confondre bilinguisme individuel et biculturalisme, qu’il soit individuel ou collectif. Primo : dans les faits, très peu de Montréalais sont véritablement biculturels. Secundo : Montréal n’est pas une ville biculturelle. C’est une ville où deux cultures et deux langues vivent en parallèle et se disputent l’intégration des nouveaux arrivants. Leur rapport en est donc un de compétition.

Plamondon & Rozon, Josée Legault, 9 mai 2009

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dimanche, mai 03, 2009

De Playboy TV

Journalist bets he can stand waterboarding for 15 seconds, Huffington Post, 21 avril 2009

Merci hecKtör Dangüs, esq.

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Les Lumières

La Patrie

La Santé

  • All quieted on the word front (pdf) [he] therefore is telling us, loud and clear, that he not only is a dedicated opponent of freedom of speech, but he believes with equal passion that it is critically important to safeguard the right to lie not in the interests of freedom of expression, which he strongly opposes, as just demonstrated, but rather in one special case: to lie in service of power and privilege.

répertoire de blogs: politique étrangère étatsunis

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