mercredi, septembre 23, 2009

C't'une fois un médium masqué, un ultra-conspirationniste pis un pédophile

Réponse à ''LeT.V.Adupeuple'', blackferatu, 23 août 2009

Black nos trou de cul, 911allo

Le T.V.A du peuple: La pédophilie parti 1/4

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lundi, septembre 14, 2009


Mauvaise foi, mesquinerie mâtinée de haine de soi, inculture fière d’elle-même, de sa petitesse. Autrement dit, des ordures: ce qu’on trouve dans les poubelles.

Pourquoi «Radio-poubelle», Antoine Robitaille, 14 septembre 2009

Et j’ai pensé à ceux qui aiment aussi sincèrement le Canada.
Et qui rageaient, samedi, en croisant sur les plaines, ceux qui portaient une fleur de lys, un drapeau…
«Les tabarnaks… Y sont contents les tabarnaks»
Mais pourraient-ils en faire autant que les «tabarnak»?
Aimer le Canada avec autant de passion, dans des mots qui touchent au coeur, pas au portefeuille?
En fait, je me demande s’il n'y a jamais eu de poètes fous d'amour pour le Canada.

Une mouche empêche le géant de dormir, Michel Hébert, 13 septembre 2009

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dimanche, septembre 13, 2009

Aux armes citoyens

Guérir du syndrome de Stockholm.
...une Nation pacifique qui aura vaincu par la PAROLE.

Tribune libre de Vigile
dimanche 13 septembre 2009

En même temps que le Moulin à paroles qui se tient à Québec présentement, nous voulons commémorer ici même à Paris, le 250e anniversaire de la BATAILLE DES PLAINES

Ça fait 250 ans que le peuple issu de Nouvelle-France est retenu en otage par les descendants de l’hégémonique Empire britannique. Pas surprenant que la moitié de ses membres souffre du syndrome de Stockholm. Ceux qui côtoient quotidiennement leurs ravisseurs, en famille, aux études, au travail, dans les médias, sont persuadés que la vie sur terre doit se passer en anglais, que leurs origines sont méprisables et doivent être refoulées, oubliées.

Les Résistants, eux, se sont arc-boutés à leur voix intérieure pour perpétuer l’espoir. Descendants de France, mais éloignés des Lumières de la Révolution, ils ont dû se faire violence pour transmettre à leur descendance le sens du patriotisme. Aujourd’hui, assaillis d’une vague sans précédent d’assimilation, par politique torve, ils voient clairement qu’ils n’ont pas combattu en vain, comme la chèvre de M. Séguin. Ils comprennent que c’est, UNIS, à se regarder, se reconnaître, se parler, qu’ils donneront au monde l’image d’une Nation pacifique qui aura vaincu par la PAROLE.

Paroles d’un descendant de Pierre de Saint-Pierre, venu de Rouen en 1664.

Treize septembre deux mille neuf.

... nos soubresauts de révoltes parlées non seulement n’ébranleront pas leur pouvoir, mais enrichiront leurs munitions, celles dirigées contre notre flanc-mou : ces Québécois aliénés à l’os qui s’imaginent que leur soumission leur permettra de participer aux restes du festin du loup.

Contes et légendes, Andrée Ferretti, 13 septembre 2009

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vendredi, septembre 11, 2009

An Hero

LONDON, England (CNN) -- British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has issued a posthumous apology for the "appalling" treatment of Alan Turing, the British code-breaker who was chemically castrated for being gay.

Bletchley Park, the site of secret British codebreaking activities during World War IIThe apology came after more than 30,000 people signed an online petition on the UK Government Web site calling for the government to recognize the "tragic consequences of prejudice that ended this man's life and career."

Turing was just 41 years old when he committed suicide, two years after undergoing a court-ordered chemical castration. He had been found guilty of gross indecency for having a homosexual relationship. The punishment in 1952 was either a prison sentence or chemical castration. Turing chose the latter.

In a statement on the British Government Web site, Prime Minister Gordon Brown acknowledged Turing's "outstanding" contribution during World War II.

"He truly was one of those individuals we can point to whose unique contribution helped to turn the tide of war," he wrote, adding, "The debt of gratitude he is owed makes it all the more horrifying, therefore, that he was treated so inhumanely."

Turing is considered one of Britain's greatest mathematicians, a genius who is credited with inventing the Bombe, a code-breaking machine that deciphered messages encoded by German Enigma machines during World War II.

He went on to develop the Turing machine, a theory that automatic computation cannot solve all mathematical problems, which is considered the basis of modern computing.

British PM apologizes for treatment of gay code-breaker, 11 septembre 2009

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jeudi, septembre 10, 2009


Cette chronique nécrologique annonçant la mort de La Presse est une présentation de Musironie, avec la participation de Jean-Patrick Berthiaume.

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mercredi, septembre 02, 2009


Williams writes that the United States was "certainly wrong" in failing to intervene to prevent the horrendous Indonesian crimes. That has been the standard line of apologists: We "looked away" instead of intervening to stop the crimes. But as Williams and others who resort to this evasion know very well, the United States and United Kingdom most definitely did not fail to intervene during the quarter-century of Indonesian aggression and atrocities. Rather, they did intervene, and massively: By providing decisive support for these crimes, continuing to do so as the crimes accelerated again in 1999, even after the destruction of Dili in September, which elicited from Clinton's National Security Adviser Sandy Berger the statement that "I don't think anybody ever articulated a doctrine which said that we ought to intervene wherever there's a humanitarian problem" — so therefore the United States and United Kingdom continued their crucial participation.

Even more remarkably, Williams writes that "Chomsky points out that it was Clinton's intervention that persuaded the Indonesian generals that the game was up in East Timor. Yes it was long overdue, but it was an American intervention, which deserves some grudging credit."

The intervention Williams praises was Clinton's termination of U.S. participation in the aggression and atrocities. By Williams' logic, he should praise Russia for intervening in Afghanistan by withdrawing its troops in 1989. It would be instructive to see if even the most extreme Communist Party loyalist stooped to that.

The nature of his apologetics becomes even clearer when we consider the statement of mine to which he is responding:
To end the atrocities in [East Timor] would not have required bombing, or sanctions, or indeed any act beyond withdrawal of participation. That was demonstrated shortly after Berger's reaffirmation of Western policy, when, under strong domestic and international pressure, Clinton formally ended US participation. The invaders immediately withdrew, and a UN peacekeeping force was able to enter facing no army. That could have been done any time in the preceding quarter-century. Astonishingly, this horrendous story was soon reinterpreted as vindication of R2P, a reaction so shameful that words fail.
Williams' reiteration of this shameful stance leaves one truly speechless.

Response to Williams, Noam Chomsky, 1er septembre 2009

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Les Lumières

La Patrie

La Santé

  • All quieted on the word front (pdf) [he] therefore is telling us, loud and clear, that he not only is a dedicated opponent of freedom of speech, but he believes with equal passion that it is critically important to safeguard the right to lie not in the interests of freedom of expression, which he strongly opposes, as just demonstrated, but rather in one special case: to lie in service of power and privilege.

répertoire de blogs: politique étrangère étatsunis

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