La radio québécoise
Pourquoi ai-je plus de plaisir audiophonique à piger au hasard sur le site de ce parodieur qu'à me défoncer à zapper sur ma radio ? Je n'inclus pas CISM, bien sûr. Mais une putain de chaîne...
Libellés : culture
if you don't happen to take part in that system of illusions and self-deception, what you say is incomprehensible
Pourquoi ai-je plus de plaisir audiophonique à piger au hasard sur le site de ce parodieur qu'à me défoncer à zapper sur ma radio ? Je n'inclus pas CISM, bien sûr. Mais une putain de chaîne...
Libellés : culture
Young women in New York and several of the nation’s other largest cities who work full time have forged ahead of men in wages, according to an analysis of recent census data.
For Young Earners in Big City, a Gap in Women’s Favor, Sam Roberts, 3 août 2007
Libellés : féminisme
The title song "Such Great Heights" has exhibited unusual staying power. It has consistently been one of the weekly top 5 most frequently played tracks on social music site since the website began, holding the top spot for the majority of 2005. The song's reign in the top 10 ended in March 2007, when after the release of Arcade Fire album, Neon Bible, the song did not make it as the top 10 was predominantly songs from Neon Bible.
Such Great Heights, Wikipedia
Libellés : musique
L'Akratique est en pause, je fouille sur le blogue de Juan Cole à sa place.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Fox does unto Iran as it Did unto Iraq
Rupert Murdoch wants to kill your 18 year-olds in a fruitless war with Iran. Robert Greenwald's video shows how Faux Cable News is running the same scam on Iran that it ran on Iraq, with side by side footage so you can see the Goebbels techniques at work. Liberals don't like anything that smacks of censorship, but I really think our body public won't be safe from this nefarious media conspiracy until we mount an effective campaign of advertiser boycott against the corporations who underwrite this fascist horse manure.
Fox does unto Iran as it Did unto Iraq, Juan Cole, 23 août 2007
Je n'aimais plus beaucoup Jon Stewart depuis un moment. Pour ne donner qu'un exemple, son entrevue avec Jeremy Scahill m'avait sidéré. Mais hier soir, c'était une toute autre paire de manche.
Libellés : daily show
Janet Bagnall, voir Nos amis canadiens du Qweebec 1, remet ça:
Libellés : québécophobie
1) Why were a handful of rebel fighters able to penetrate the defenses of a battle station that had the capability of destroying an entire planet and the defenses to ward off several fleets of battle ships?
Libellés : 9-11, conspiration
Les Louisianais ont été les cobayes, et savent prendre la réelle mesure des choses.
Libellés : alex jones
Chris Matthews de Hardball, à MSNBC:
Does [Fred Thompson] have sex appeal? I'm looking at this guy and I'm trying to find out the new order of things, and what works for women and what doesn't. Does this guy have some sort of thing going for him that I should notice? . . .
Gene, do you think there's a sex appeal for this guy, this sort of mature, older man, you know? He looks sort of seasoned and in charge of himself. What is this appeal? Because I keep star quality. You were throwing the word out, shining star, Ana Marie, before I checked you on it. . . .
Can you smell the English leather on this guy, the Aqua Velva, the sort of mature man's shaving cream, or whatever, you know, after he shaved? Do you smell that sort of -- a little bit of cigar smoke? You know, whatever.
Chris Matthews on Fred Thompson's sexiness and smells, 14 juin 2007, Glenn Greenwald
Libellés : hmmmm
Wikipedia Scanner -- the brainchild of Cal Tech computation and neural-systems graduate student Virgil Griffith -- offers users a searchable database that ties millions of anonymous Wikipedia edits to organizations where those edits apparently originated, by cross-referencing the edits with data on who owns the associated block of internet IP addresses.
Libellés : internet
the strength of the sovereignist movement is inversely related to the amount of venom its luminaries are willing to spit at Quebecers themselves -- which is a whole lot these days, if Pierre Falardeau's mouth is any indication. "Quebecers are messed up," he says of the people he claims to love. "They've always been messed up and they are still messed up. To read the media we have, it's not surprising that people are such cretins."
It is a breathlessly presumptuous argument: all French Quebecers, Falaradeau and company argue, want separatism; they're just too weak-willed to achieve it.
The end of Separatism?, The movement is weak, and is turning on the ordinary Quebecer, Martin Patriquin, 13 août 2007
Libellés : indépendance
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