vendredi, septembre 28, 2007

M. Vigile

Stéphane Dion, aveuglé par une clarté hystérique, préfère "suicider" son parti plutôt que reconnaître la nation québécoise... Grand bien lui fasse ! Le PLC, héritier d’un trudeauisme en loque, est désormais déconnecté du Québec. Le refus historique d’une fédération bi-nationale commence à montrer ses fruits : s’il n’y a pas de place au Canada pour la nation québécoise, il n’y aura bientôt plus de place pour le Canada dans cette nation.

Bernard Frappier, Vigile

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vendredi, septembre 21, 2007

À Paris

I've received many requests to comment, and have heard some crazed reactions, but almost all from Europe, in fact mostly Paris. Here as far as I know there hasn't been much interest, apart from extremist right-wing and ultranationalist Zionist circles, who will leap on anything to defame someone who doesn't worship their holy states with sufficient ardor.

Chomsky from Znet sustainers forum on being mentioned by Bin Laden, 21 septembre 2007
Contexte: Philippe Val, directeur de Charlie Hebdo, qui fait son intellectuel parisien, lire Philippe Val sur France Inter : un récital de mensonges et de calomnies contre Chomsky, Henri Maler, 17 septembre 2007. Merci urukvideomachine

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Tesla le magnifique

Edison played dirty at best, trying to terrify the public into believing AC [alternating current] was uniquely dangerous. (In fact, AC and DC [direct current] are about equal.) His supporters electrocuted dogs at weekly press conferences and arranged for the first electrocution of a condemned murderer at Sing Sing. In 1903 Edison executed Topsy the Elephant at Coney Island's Luna Park and made a motion picture of the event, distributing "Electrocuting an Elephant" as one of the first films to appear in theaters. (Coney Island belatedly erected a memorial to Topsy in 2003.)

Alternating current's advantages proved far too great, however, and by the 1920s had clearly won out. Electrical generation was centralized at larger and larger power stations that could be cited in remote locations. Hydropower from distant dams could be transmitted across hundreds of miles. Only a few direct current operations remained in Manhattan.

Tesla's Last Triumph, William Tucker, 19 septembre 2007

merci Nikola Tesla

Du même site:

Trivializing something as serious as war by suggesting that it's all the fault of some icky boys is counter-effective to any substantial gains that women have made in the past century. It leaves us back in the elementary school playground with the boys and girls separating themselves and afraid of catching each other's cooties. That's okay as long as it's a short phase in your life. Accomplished adults should be beyond that.

If Mothers Ruled the World, Pia de Solenni, 21 septembre 2007

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Vu dans la Pravda

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Lu dans la Pravda

Russian Military Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that one of the United States most secretive spy satellites, the KH-13, targeting Iran was 'destroyed in its orbit' with its main power generator powered by the radioactive isotope Pu-238 surviving re-entry and crashing in a remote region of the South American Nation of Peru, and where hundreds are reported to be ill from radiation poisoning.


Most astonishing about these reports, however, are that they state that it was the Americans themselves who destroyed their own spy satellite with the attack upon it being made by the United States Air Forces' 30th Space Wing located at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. This incident further fuels the intrigue involving the United States War Leaders plans to attack Iran in their attempt to engulf the entire Middle East in Total War, but, against which, according to Russian Military Intelligence Analysts, a 'high ranking and significant' faction of the American Military Establishment is opposed to.


What remains unknown to us, at this time, is what counter-planning the American War Leaders have in store for furthering their war aims against Iran as the United States Military have 'clearly signaled' that it will not allow nuclear weapons to be used, even to the extent of denying to their War Leaders one of their most prized spy satellites used to guide their nuclear cruise missiles to their intended Iranian targets.

American spy satellite downed in Peru as US nuclear attack on Iran thwarted, Sorcha Faal, et tel que rapporté par ses abonnés occidentaux, 20 septembre 2007

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Lu sur Rue89

Bush aurait déclaré à Chirac que Gog et Magog étaient à l'œuvre au Proche-Orient, et que les prophéties bibliques étaient en train de s'accomplir. C'était quelques semaines avant l'intervention en Irak. Stupéfaction du président français, à qui les noms de Gog et Magog ne disent rien.

Un petit scoop sur Bush, Chirac, Dieu, Gog et Magog, Jacques Sterchi, 17 septembre 2007

[...] en mai dernier, le contre-espionnage allemand, le Bundesverfassungschutz, a identifié des intrusions menées par des hackers, vraisemblablement encadrés par l’Armée populaire de libération (APL).

Le Premier ministre Wen Jiabao s’est excusé en laissant entendre que les autorités empêcheraient à l’avenir que de telles attaques se reproduisent. Ce qui sous-entend: on trouvera bien quelques internautes à condamner pour avoir nui aux intérêts diplomatiques de la Chine cependant qu’à quelques semaines du Congrès du Parti communiste, la bataille pour le contrôle du pouvoir, notamment autour de la Commission militaire centrale, fait rage. Et dans ce cas, l’affaire des hackers est peut-être aussi un problème intérieur de rapport de forces entre divers clans: réformateurs, groupe de Shanghaï, "durs" de l’APL…

Depuis, on a appris que des attaques de hackers dont les fils remontent en Chine se sont également produites en Grande-Bretagne, aux Etats-Unis, et même, révélait samedi Le Monde, en France.

Le mystère des hackers chinois rattrape la France, Roger Faligot, 9 septembre 2007

"La police pakistanaise va prendre les familles, vous entendez bien, les familles des preneurs d’otages en otage et vont torturer ces familles de preneurs d’otages pour obtenir les renseignements.


Parce que ça, ça arrive à Marianne Pearl, je ne dis pas, je ne dirai pas qu'ils ont eu tort de le faire parce que elle, elle a pensé que c'était bien de le faire, qu'il fallait faire ça, qu'il fallait sauver son mari; elle était enceinte… pour le petit qui allait naître, tout était permis.

Et il fallait absolument le sauver et s'il fallait s'en prendre à un certain nombre de gens, on s'en prenait à un certain nombre de gens; s'en prendre physiquement, vous avez compris, en les menaçant et en en torturant, quitte à en en tuer un certain nombre."

Quand Robert Ménard, de RSF, légitime la torture, Jean-Noël Darde, 26 août 2007

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jeudi, septembre 20, 2007


Nazis and Zionists were not evenly matched in the nightmare of the 1930s and nor were their motives equally evil. But today's Holocaust revisionism and denial, whether from neo-Nazis or their dupes, has as the other side of its coin, or medal, the way the Zionist propaganda machine has sought to monopolise and distort this piece of history for its own ends, leaving out and denying whatever does not fit its myth. History must be rescued from both sets of foes.

A coin with two sides, RandomPottins, 4 mai 2007
via-1 The French Connection, dont le niveau de schizoïdie a baissé un tantinet depuis le 10 septembre.

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mercredi, septembre 19, 2007

Dieudonné aux Francs-Tireurs

L'entrevue du 29 novembre 2006 que je souhaitais ici.





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samedi, septembre 15, 2007

Qu'est devenu ManuMilitari

De voir les Nation-Unis s'acharner sur la seule démocratie et sur la seule terre de liberté du Moyen-Orient, c'est la démonstration la plus éloquente de l'échec de cette organisation. [Nations-Unis… contre Israël, 13 septembre 2007]

S'il y a une idée reçue qu'il faut combattre, c'est bien celle de l'exploitation capitaliste; une l'idée voulant que les patrons exploitent les travailleurs.

Il est évident que l'intérêt des patrons est "d'exploiter" leurs employés, de les payer le moins possible pour leur travail. Mais il est aussi incontestable que l'intérêt des travailleurs est "d'exploiter" leurs patrons, d'être payé le plus possible pour leur travail.

À ceci rajoutons que les entreprises compétionnent les unes avec les autres pour attirer la main-d’œuvre la plus qualifiée tout comme les travailleurs se font compétition pour se trouver un emploi dans les meilleurs entreprises.

Alors, qui exploite qui ? [Le libre-marché de l’emploi, 12 septembre 2007]

Pour les socialistes, les écarts de richesse ont un effet corrosif sur les sociétés. Qu'importe si le niveau de vie des pauvres augmente, le simple fait de voir les riches s'enrichir est supposé pourrir la vie des pauvres…

Jolie théorie mais les chiffres indiquent le contraire. Ces 30 dernières années, le "National Opinion Research Center’s General Social Survey" a trouvé que malgré l'accroissement des écarts de revenus, le niveau de bonheur est resté inchangé. Bref, les américains, peut importe leur classe sociale, se fichent de voir les écarts de richesses prendre de l'ampleur.

Mais qu'est-ce qui rend les américains heureux ? La mobilité sociale !

Au diable les inégalités, ce qui importe c'est que le travaille permette au gens d'avoir accès aux classes supérieures.

La mobilité sociale, c'est précisément un trait caractéristique de l'économie américaine. [La quête du bonheur, 6 septembre 2007] devenu, membre de Les hyperliens sont de moi.

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Juif, pas zioniste

I'd be more inclined to pin the racist label on anyone who conflates the world's 13 million Jews with a country in which 8.2 million of them -- almost two thirds -- have chosen not to live.

Is a Jewish Glasnost Coming to America? Despite a Backlash, Many Jews Are Questioning Israel, Tony Karon, 13 septembre 2007

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25ième de Sabra et Shatila

Sabra and Shatila, Robert Fisk, 18 septembre 2003

Robert Fisk was one of the first journalists to be present at the scene of the horrific murders in Lebanon, September 17th, 1982. He has published a number of different books and currently writes columns for The Independent newspaper. The following is extracted from his book, "Pity the Nation."

What we found inside the Palestinian camp at ten o'clock on the morning of September 1982 did not quite beggar description, although it would have been easier to re-tell in the cold prose of a medical examination. There had been medical examinations before in Lebanon, but rarely on this scale and never overlooked by a regular, supposedly disciplined army. In the panic and hatred of battle, tens of thousands had been killed in this country. But these people, hundreds of them had been shot down unarmed. This was a mass killing, an incident - how easily we used the word "incident" in Lebanon - that was also an atrocity. It went beyond even what the Israelis would have in other circumstances called a terrorist activity. It was a war crime.

Jenkins and Tveit were so overwhelmed by what we found in Chatila that at first we were unable to register our own shock. Bill Foley of AP had come with us. All he could say as he walked round was "Jesus Christ" over and over again. We might have accepted evidence of a few murders; even dozens of bodies, killed in the heat of combat. Bur there were women lying in houses with their skirts torn torn up to their waists and their legs wide apart, children with their throats cut, rows of young men shot in the back after being lined up at an execution wall. There were babies - blackened babies babies because they had been slaughtered more than 24-hours earlier and their small bodies were already in a state of decomposition - tossed into rubbish heaps alongside discarded US army ration tins, Israeli army equipment and empty bottles of whiskey.

Where were the murderers? Or to use the Israelis' vocabulary, where were the "terrorists"? When we drove down to Chatila, we had seen the Israelis on the top of the apartments in the Avenue Camille Chamoun but they made no attempt to stop us. In fact, we had first been driven to the Bourj al-Barajneh camp because someone told us that there was a massacre there. All we saw was a Lebanese soldier chasing a car theif down a street. It was only when we were driving back past the entrance to Chatila that Jenkins decided to stop the car. "I don't like this", he said. "Where is everyone? What the f**k is that smell?"

Just inside the the southern entrance to the camp, there used to be a number of single-story, concrete walled houses. I had conducted many interviews in these hovels in the late 1970's. When we walked across the muddy entrance to Chatila, we found that these buildings had been dynamited to the ground. There were cartridge cases across the main road. I saw several Israeli flare canisters, still attached to their tiny parachutes. Clouds of flies moved across the rubble, raiding parties with a nose for victory.

Down a laneway to our right, no more than 50 yards from the entrance, there lay a pile of corpses. There were more than a dozen of them, young men whose arms and legs had been wrapped around each other in the agony of death. All had been shot point-blank range through the cheek, the bullet tearing away a line of flesh up to the ear and entering the brain. Some had vivid crimson or black scars down the left side of their throats. One had been castrated, his trousers torn open and a settlement of flies throbbing over his torn intestines.

The eyes of these young men were all open. The youngest was only 12 or 13 years old. They were dressed in jeans and coloured shirts, the material absurdly tight over their flesh now that their bodies had begun to bloat in the heat. They had not been robbed. On one blackened wrist a Swiss watch recorded the correct time, the second hand still ticking round uselessly, expending the last energies of its dead owner.

On the other side of the main road, up a track through the debris, we found the bodies of five women and several children. The women were middle-aged and their corpses lay draped over a pile of rubble. One lay on her back, her dress torn open and the head of a little girl emerging from behind her. The girl had short dark curly hair, her eyes were staring at us and there was a frown on her face. She was dead.

Another child lay on the roadway like a discarded doll, her white dress stained with mud and dust. She could have been no more than three years old. The back of her head had been blown away by a bullet fired into her brain. One of the women also held a tiny baby to her body. The bullet that had passed into her breast had killed the baby too. Someone had slit open the woman's stomach, cutting sideways and then upwards, perhaps trying to kill her unborn child. Her eyes were wide open, her dark face frozen in horror.

"...As we stood there, we heard a shout in Arabic from across the ruins. "They are coming back," a man was screaming, So we ran in fear towards the road. I think, in retrospect, that it was probably anger that stopped us from leaving, for we now waited near the entrance to the camp to glimpse the faces of the men who were responsible for all of this. They must have been sent in here with Israeli permission. They must have been armed by the Israelis. Their handiwork had clearly been watched - closely observed - by the Israelis who were still watching us through their field-glasses.

When does a killing become an outrage? When does an atrocity become a massacre? Or, put another way, how many killings make a massacre? Thirty? A hundred? Three hundred? When is a massacre not a massacre? When the figures are too low? Or when the massacre is carried out by Israel’s friends rather than Israel's enemies?

That, I suspected, was what this argument was about. If Syrian troops had crossed into Israel, surrounded a Kibbutz and allowed their Palestinian allies to slaughter the Jewish inhabitants, no Western news agency would waste its time afterwards arguing about whether or not it should be called a massacre.

But in Beirut, the victims were Palestinians. The guilty were certainly Christian militiamen - from which particular unit we were still unsure - but the Israelis were also guilty. If the Israelis had not taken part in the killings, they had certainly sent militia into the camp. They had trained them, given them uniforms, handed them US army rations and Israeli medical equipment. Then they had watched the murderers in the camps, they had given them military assistance - the Israeli airforce had dropped all those flares to help the men who were murdering the inhabitants of Sabra and Chatila - and they had established military liason with the murderers in the camps

Les massacres n'arrêterons jamais la lutte des


The 25th Anniversary of the Massacre at Sabra-Shatilla: Will anyone remember? Does anyone really care anymore?, Franklin Lamb, 12 septembre 2007

Ariel Sharon, From Sabra/Shatila to Jenin: Another U.S.-approved “good genocidist” free to kill,
Edward S. Herman, juin 2002

Merci Bronx Gael

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vendredi, septembre 14, 2007

Michael Moore est plate

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Sur l'algèbre ordinaire

Prenons l’exemple de l’addition des nombres négatifs. L’élève apprend qu’en mathématique deux moins donnent un plus. On ne peut blâmer l’incrédulité de l’élève. Il sait qu’il a besoin de bottes pour passer l’hiver et qu’en-dessous reste toujours en dessous de zéro. S’il fait moins cinq à midi et que le soir moins vingt degrés s’y ajoutent, il fera moins vingt-cinq.

L’enseignement des mathématiques, André Savard, 11 septembre 2007

Je ne m'en prendrai pas au fond du texte de M. Savard, qui souligne de bons points, seulement une clarification.

On dit que moins un moins donne plus:

x - -y = x + y

mais c'est un raccourci. La négation n'est pas une opération algébrique, et on devrait écrire: x + l'inverse additif de l'inverse additif de y, ou:

x + -(-y)

Dans le contexte numérique, l'inverse additif d'un nombre y est le nombre y' tel que

y + y' = y' + y = 0

0 étant l'élément neutre de cette opération algébrique nommée addition. Il est facile de démontrer l'unicité de l'inverse additif, et de là, que l'inverse additif de l'inverse additif de y est y.

mercredi, septembre 12, 2007

Smack my bitch up

Nos leaders ont clamé, dans le tumulte post-11 septembre: ces gens-là ont attaqué notre mode de vie, ils haïssent la liberté, ils haïssent l'idée de sociétés qui laissent Dieu hors de la sphère publique.

Je les ai crus. Je les crois encore.


ben Laden a gagné.

Il a réussi à nous faire capoter, capoter bien raide. Il a réussi à nous pousser à avoir peur d'avoir peur, il a réussi à nous faire accepter un tas de trucs qui sont incompatibles avec une démocratie, avec une société ouverte.

[...] un cancer qui est dans le climat depuis le 11 septembre 2001. Un cancer sécuritaire qui nous fait accepter des choses odieuses.

La plus odieuse? La torture.


Pendant la guerre froide, c'était simple. Il y avait des bons et il y avait des méchants. Je caricature, bien sûr. L'Ouest, «nous». L'Est, mené par les Soviétiques.

Mais entre les deux camps, c'était facile de choisir. Des tas de gens de l'Est choisissaient, d'ailleurs. Ils faisaient - attention, mot vieillot, comme cassette Beta ou Walkman - défection. Il y a un bord, le nôtre, qui possédait une supériorité morale. L'autre possédait des goulags.

11 septembre: Ils ont gagné, Patrick Lagacé, 11 septembre 2007
Apparently forgetting everything they once knew about US cold war misadventures, a startling number have begun to subscribe to an antihistorical narrative in which the idea of torturing prisoners first occurred to US officials on September 11, 2001, at which point the interrogation methods used in Guantánamo apparently emerged, fully formed, from the sadistic recesses of Dick Cheney's and Donald Rumsfeld's brains. Up until that moment, we are told, America fought its enemies while keeping its humanity intact.

The principal propagator of this narrative (what Garry Wills termed "original sinlessness") is Senator John McCain. Writing recently in Newsweek on the need for a ban on torture, McCain says that when he was a prisoner of war in Hanoi, he held fast to the knowledge "that we were different from our enemies...that we, if the roles were reversed, would not disgrace ourselves by committing or approving such mistreatment of them." It is a stunning historical distortion. By the time McCain was taken captive, the CIA had already launched the Phoenix program and, as McCoy writes, "its agents were operating forty interrogation centers in South Vietnam that killed more than twenty thousand suspects and tortured thousands more," a claim he backs up with pages of quotes from press reports as well as Congressional and Senate probes.


In Latin America the revelations of US torture in Iraq have not been met with shock and disbelief but with powerful déjà vu and reawakened fears. Hector Mondragon, a Colombian activist who was tortured in the 1970s by an officer trained at the School of the Americas, wrote: "It was hard to see the photos of the torture in Iraq because I too was tortured. I saw myself naked with my feet fastened together and my hands tied behind my back. I saw my own head covered with a cloth bag. I remembered my feelings--the humiliation, pain." Dianna Ortiz, an American nun who was brutally tortured in a Guatemalan jail, said, "I could not even stand to look at those many of the things in the photographs had also been done to me. I was tortured with a frightening dog and also rats. And they were always filming."

Ortiz has testified that the men who raped her and burned her with cigarettes more than 100 times deferred to a man who spoke Spanish with an American accent whom they called "Boss." It is one of many stories told by prisoners in Latin America of mysterious English-speaking men walking in and out of their torture cells, proposing questions, offering tips.

'Never Before!' Our Amnesiac Torture Debate, Naomi Klein, 8 décembre 2007

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mardi, septembre 11, 2007

Les avions manqués

Heureusement, certains ne sont pas endormis:

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La galette 9-11

Loose Change



9-11 Justice

9-11 Mysteries

Merci Yakir

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Mais puisque je me tue à vous le dire

Je continue.

MTV annonçait une nouvelle émission de télé-réalité: 16 filles et 16 garçons se battront pour l'amour de la sensation MySpace Tila Tequila:

So on my new reality show there will be 16 male contestants and 16 female contestants all fighting for my love....the only twist is....yes, there is another twist....the only twist is that these guys and these girls have NO IDEA that I am bisexual and that they are competing against each others sexes!!!

Je me forcerai peu pour compléter le portrait culturel; social: la dinde au dernier MTV Awards, la reine depuis au moins 2000, les bars, la pub (destinée aux femmes). Je m'arrête là, je ne veux pas réécrire la rubrique. Imaginer si les femmes avaient enlaidi de facon constante depuis quelques décennies. Bon bon bon, je trouve les correspondances que je peux; mais peut importe, les femmes se retrouveront de facon croissante avec les armes des deux sexes dans la dite-guerre héritée de notre évolution. Comme je l'écrivais ici: Les femmes ont par ailleurs toujours la question suivante à se poser: "que faire de tous ces hommes ?"

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lundi, septembre 10, 2007

Micheal Ruppert sur les jeux de guerre du 9-11

Et quelques bons points par Webster Griffin Tarpley:

Et tant qu'à faire, enfonçons le clou, de 9-11 Coincidences, une sorte de couper-coller de plusieurs sources:

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vendredi, septembre 07, 2007

Vive les petites chinoises

- Moé, j’sus t’italienne.
- T’es née en Italie ?
- Non, j’sus née ici.
- Quand est-ce que tu vas commencer à être Québécoise ?


- Quebec independance no good !
- Pourquoi ? Sur quoi il se base pour dire ça ?
- Il dit que c’est son ami qui le dit.
- Il est ici depuis combien de temps ?
- Il dit qu’il est ici depuis trois mois.
- Il vient d’où ?
- Il dit de l’Inde.


- No french.

* * *


J’suis Québécois[e].
- T’es né[e] ici ?
- Non, en Chine !

Le billet noir de l’immigration...
, Caroline Moreno, 7 septembre 2007

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jeudi, septembre 06, 2007

Ron Paul m'ame messieurs

Montage du débat hier à Fox

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Ah ben calvaire

University officials and political science professor Norman Finkelstein issued a joint statement announcing the resignation, which came as about a hundred protesters gathered outside the dean's office to support him.

Embattled DePaul Prof Agrees to Resign, Don Babwin, 5 septembre 2007

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J'en veux j'en veux!

The book is entitled DMT: The Spirit Molecule. This chemist had administerd the drug to a great number of individuals. Time and time again, the exact same response was brought out by the drug, namely: out of body experience, communication with some form of God. Some people saw the ghosts of loved ones, others fairies. Each case involved a serious lapse in time perception (the effects of the drug usually last 3-8 minutes; however some people experience so much in this time that they truly believe they have been "away" for periods of up to 6 months).

DMT The Spirit Molecule, Cyborblog, 15 octobre 2004

Under the skin in the skull of a lizard lies a light-responsive “third eye” which is the evolutionary equivalent of the bone-encased, hormone-secreting pineal gland in the human brain. The human pineal is denied access to light directly, but like the lizard’s “third eye,” it shows enhanced release of its hormone, melatonin, during the night. Craft notes, “The challenge is to understand the mechanisms which regulate the synthesis and release of melatonin. The pineal gland is the ‘mind’s eye.’ Dissected, the reptile’s pineal looks much like an eye, with the same shape and tissue.

The Mind's Eye, Richard Cox, USC Health & Medicine, Hiver 1995

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Un peu d'air pur

Un extrait vivifiant de Peace, Propaganda And The Promised Land, déjà encensé ici: au-delà des mensonges et des omissions, le contexte. Et le language. Merci du rappel MadThumbs.

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Les Lumières

La Patrie

La Santé

  • All quieted on the word front (pdf) [he] therefore is telling us, loud and clear, that he not only is a dedicated opponent of freedom of speech, but he believes with equal passion that it is critically important to safeguard the right to lie not in the interests of freedom of expression, which he strongly opposes, as just demonstrated, but rather in one special case: to lie in service of power and privilege.

répertoire de blogs: politique étrangère étatsunis

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