mercredi, octobre 31, 2007

Honnête homme

"... our society is such that minorities don't become elderly. The way white people do. They die first." - John Tanner, chef de la section des Droits Électoraux, Département de la Justice.

DOJ Voting Rights Section Head Skewered At Conyers Hearing - VR Calls For His Firing, Velvet Revolution, 31 octobre 2007

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Clip animé : La censure pour l'échafaud

Réalisé entièrement par D.Odz
Scénario par Loco Locass et D.Odz

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Des forts en gueule de la communauté juive de Montréal ne se privent pas de stigmatiser la nation. Leur hostilité tapageuse prend des contours toujours plus nets. Leur propre réputation dans le monde ne manquera pas de souffrir de leur démesure et de leurs calomnies - Citoyenneté québécoise - virulence kasher, Bernard Frappier

1. "There is a huge gap between us (Jews) and our enemies not just in ability but in morality, culture, sanctity of life, and conscience. They are our neighbors here, but it seems as if at a distance of a few hundred meters away, there are people who do not belong to our continent, to our world, but actually belong to a different galaxy." Moshe Katsav, Président d'Israël, Jerusalem Post, 10 mai 2001.

2. "The Palestinians are like crocodiles, the more you give them meat, they want more". Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel at the time – 28 août 2000, Jerusalem Post, 30 août 2000.

3. "[The Palestinians are] beasts walking on two legs." Menahim Begin, discours au Knesset, cité dans Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the Beasts". New Statesman, 25 juin 1982.

4. "The Palestinians" would be crushed like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls." Premier Ministre d'Israël, lors d'un discours à des colons juifs, New York Times, 1er avril 1988.

5. "When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle." Raphael Eitan, Chef de cabinet de l’armée Israélienne, New York Times, 14 avril 1983.

6. "How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to." Golda Meir, Premier Ministre d'Israël , 8 mars 1969.

7. "There was no such thing as Palestinians, they never existed." Golda Maier, Premier Ministre d'Israël. 15 juin 1969.

8. "The thesis that the danger of genocide was hanging over us in June 1967 and that Israel was fighting for its physical existence is only bluff, which was born and developed after the war." Matityahu Peled, général Israélien, Ha'aretz, 19 mars 1972.

9. "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?" David Ben Gurion (premier Premier Ministre d'Israël): cité par Nahum Goldmann dans Le Paraddoxe Juif, pp121.

9a. Ben Gurion en 1948 : "We must do everything to insure they ( the Palestinians) never do return....The old will die and the young will forget."

10. "We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves.", Chairman Heilbrun du comité de réelection du général Shlomo Lahat, maire de Tel Aviv, octobre 1983.

11. "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We the Jewish people, control America and the Americans know it." Ariel Sharon, Premier Ministre d'Israël, 3 octobre 2001, en conversation avec Shimon Peres, tel que rapporté sur radio Kol Yisrael.

12. "We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel... Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours." Rafael Eitan, Chef de cabinet de l’armée Israélienne - Gad Becker, Yediot Ahronot, 13 avril 1983, New York Times 14 avril 1983.

13. "We must do everything to ensure they [the Palestinian refugees] never do return." David Ben-Gurion, dans ses mémoires, 18 juillet 1948, cité dans Ben-Gurion: the Armed Prophet, Michael Bar Zohar, 1967, p. 157.

15. "We should prepare to go over to the offensive. Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Moslem regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan; Syria will fall to us. We then bomb and move on and take Port Said, Alexandria and Sinai." David Ben-Gurion, mai 1948, de Ben-Gurion, A Biography, Michael Ben-Zohar, Delacorte, New York,1978.

16. "Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population." Moshe Dayan, discours au Technion, Haifa, rapporté par Haaretz, 4 avril 1969.

17. "We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Allon repeated his question, What is to be done with the Palestinian population?' Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said 'Drive them out!'" Yitzhak Rabin, extrait des ses mémoires publié dans le New York Times, 23 otobre 1979.

18. "We shall reduce the Arab population to a community of woodcutters and waiters", description de Rabin de la conquête de Lydda, apres l’achèvement du Plan Dalet. Uri Lubrani, conseiller spécial du Premier Ministre Ben-Gurion's sur les affaires arabes, 1960. De The Arabs in Israel, Sabri Jiryas.

19. "There are some who believe that the non-Jewish population, even in a high percentage, within our borders will be more effectively under our surveillance; and there are some who believe the contrary, i.e., that it is easier to carry out surveillance over the activities of a neighbor than over those of a tenant. [I] tend to support the latter view and have an additional argument:...the need to sustain the character of the state which will henceforth be Jewish...with a non-Jewish minority limited to 15 percent. I had already reached this fundamental position as early as 1940 [and] it is entered in my diary." Joseph Weitz, chef du département de la colonisation de la Jewish Agency. De Israel: an Apartheid State, Uri Davis, p.5.

20. "Everybody has to move, run and grab as many hilltops as they can to enlarge the settlements because everything we take now will stay ours... Everything we don't grab will go to them." Ariel Sharon, Ministre des Affaires étrangères, lors d’une rencontre des membres du parti d’extrême droite Tsomet, Agence France Presse, 15 novembre 1998.

Remarque: Chaque famille de colons israéliens choisissant d'aller à l'encontre du droit international en s'installant dans les territoires occupés est récompensée de $ 30.000. Ceci est rendu possibleen grande partie grâce à des subventions fiscales, prêts et aide U.S. qui servent à financer d'autres services permettant que l'argent puisse être détourné vers l'établissement de colonies de peuplement en dehors d'Israël dans les territoires occupés.

21. "Spirit the penniless population across the frontier by denying it employment... Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly." Theodor Herzl, fondateur de la World Zionist Organization, faisant référence aux Palestiniens, Complete Diaries, entrée du 12 juin 1895.

22. "One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail." Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, 27 février 1994, N.Y. Times, Feb. 28, 1994, p. 1

Commentaire de zbuster sur le blogue de George Galloway, 19 avril 2006

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mardi, octobre 30, 2007

De jeudi à lundi

Jeudi dernier, j'ai écouté Christianne Charette en reprise le soir, et ça m'a donné le goût d'en développer l'habitude. Checkpoint 303 y était, et Christianne était toute excitée ! La page Radio-Canada de l'entrevue contient l'info nécessaire. Aussi au programme ce jeudi, l'habituel tour de table Petrowski-Legault s'est transformé en un féroce débat Curzi-legault sur le projet de loi sur la citoyenneté du P.Q. Petrowski s'est faite discrète, mais punchée: elle a appelé à un renforcement de la loi 101 et a mentionné un phénomène en croissance, ces commis bilingues qui refusent de répondre en français; non pas que j'apprécie les clerks unilingues.

Hier, je zappe au TVA 22 heures. Images de la commission Bouchard-Taylor. Un illuminé s'étend sur la nécessité d'expulser les musulmans, parce que le fanatisme homicidaire serait la loi d'Allah. Les commissaires ne bronchent pas. Puis un type vient au micro, et expose qu'alors que 30,000 juifs consomment cachère au Québec, l'ensemble des québécois doit se taper la facture de 150 millions. Bouchard 'pète les plombs' comme le dit Rich Martineau (lire le commentaire de David 'Antagoniste' Gagnon), et accuse l'homme d'antisémitisme ! Le seul, je dis bien le seul accommodement religieux qu'on nous facture, et c'est le seul dont on ne peut parler, gare à vous et garde-à-vous ! Reportage suivant, en apparence commandé par le duo dynamique Steven Smilovitch et Fo Niemi, deux honnêtes citoyens québécois qui ne cherchent qu'à servir la justice et la paix. Aucune mise en contexte sur ces québécophobes. Le sujet du reportage est sans importance, son objet, lui...

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lundi, octobre 29, 2007

Lecture nécessaire suite: le cas Dallaire

Voici une note (la no 16, si vous voulez savoir) du texte lié dans le billet précédant concernant le général Dallaire. Je l'ai déjà surnommé général Délire, je suis honteux d'avoir utilisé l'humour bon enfant pour décrire cette pourriture.
Dallaire, who has attained heroic status for allegedly “resisting” the genocide, and who has been a “fellow” of Harvard’s Carr Center for Human Rights, was actually a virtual agent of the invading Kagame forces. He closed one axis of the Kagali airport runway to make the shootdown easier, refused to allow a nearby French investigative team to investigate the crime, failed to warn the Rwanda government of the military buildup of the Kagame forces, and was charged by his direct superior, Dr Jacques Roger Booh-Booh, with working in collaboration with the RPF and also taking orders from the US and Belgian embassies in Kigali. (See his Le Patron de Dallaire Parle (Paris: Duboiris, 2005) )

Et notre militaire humanitaire favori avait ceci à dire au début du mois: La France a aidé les génocidaires, témoigne Dallaire, un papier d'André Noël, le même qui avait officié à l'attaque contre Robin Philpot, tout juste avant les élections québécoises où Philpot était candidat.

Ajout 31 octobre: J’ai serré la main du diable, Robin Philpot, 28 octobre 2007

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Lecture nécessaire

J'aime énormément Edward Herman, pour sa solidarité sans faille avec les faits au premier chef. Et que me voilà servi. Concision de l'argumentaire, élégante densité de la preuve, implacabilité de la conclusion, j'en ai été secoué. Ce type est de ceux qui me font continuer à espérer, quand même. J'en reproduit une partie, voir l'original pour les références dont je l'ai élagué ici.
To an amazing degree, the Western media and NGOs swallowed the propaganda line and lies on Rwanda that turned things upside down. They made the prime aggressors and genocidists, who were responsible for the dual assassination of April 6, 1994 that precipitated the mass killing, into heroic defenders against the de facto victims. The dictator Paul Kagame, one of the great mass murderers of our time, was made into an honored savior deserving and receiving strong Western support. Philip Gourevitch and the New Yorker whipped up sympathy in the West by labeling the Tutsis the “Jews of Africa;” the label stuck, and it garnered even greater support for Western anti-“genocide” intervention. These big lies are now institutionalized and are part of the common (mis)understanding in the West.

Because the Western propaganda machine succeeded so well in making the Hutus the villains and killers, and Paul Kagame the defender/savior of Rwanda, this cleared the ground for Kagame and Yoweri Musevemi--Kagame’s ally and fellow U.S. client and dictator (of Uganda)—to periodically invade and occupy the Eastern Congo (then Zaire) and beyond without “international community” opposition as they were allegedly cleaning out the genocidaires. The Pentagon very actively supported this on the ground, even more than it supported the Kagame machine’s drive in Kigali. This led to the killing of hundreds of thousands of civilian Hutu refugees in a series of mass slaughters, and also provided cover for a wider Kagame-Musevemi assault in the Congo that has led to the deaths of literally millions. This was again compatible with Western interests and policy, as it all contributed to the replacement of Mobutu with the more amenable Kabila and the opening up of the Congo to a new surge of ruthless exploitation of its mineral resources by Western companies—a fine illustration of “shock therapy” with murderous human consequences but large gains to a small business and military elite.

Genocide Inflation is the Real Human Rights Threat: Yugoslavia and Rwanda, Edward S. Herman, 26 octobre 2007

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mercredi, octobre 24, 2007

Sur les ogives nucléaires du 30 août,

Je mentionnais ici un article intriguant de la Pravda sur un acte de rébellion pacifiste qu'auraient commis certains hauts gradés de la U.S. Army, possiblement représentatif d'un courant de fond. Voici de quoi nourrir cette théorie.
As you know, a B-52 bomber was equipped with six nuclear warheads mounted on Advanced Cruise Missiles and then flown from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana on August 30. They were mounted on the wings of the bomber.

According to Michael Madsen's sources, a group of officers within the US Air Force became aware of the theft of these missiles and their nuclear warheads and intercepted them at Barksdale.

After this event somehow leaked to the media, the White House apparently scrambled to concoct a story to account for the theft. They came up with a lulu. They told us it was all a 'mistake'. The six nuclear warheads had been mistakenly mounted on Advanced Cruise Missiles, which were then mistakenly mounted on the wings of the B-52, and then mistakenly flown to Louisiana. If we are to believe the White House's absurd story, nobody among the crew of the bomber was even aware of the deadly cargos attached to the wings of their aircraft.

Wayne Madsen has reported that the nukes were destined for Iraq, but were intercepted by renegade officers of the US Air Force who are opposed to attacking Iran with nuclear warheads in a plan that was devised and was being allegedly overseen by Dick Cheney. According to Madsen, a U.S. attack on Iran using nuclear weapons was scheduled to coincide with Israel's September 6 air attack on a reputed Syrian nuclear facility in Dayr az-Zwar in northern Syria. The interception of the nuclear warheads apparently caused the White House cabal to defer an American coordination with the Israeli attack until such time as the problem of the intercepted nukes was resolved on the domestic front.

The activist group Citizens for Legitimate Government has come up with an astounding revelation that has been ignored by our controlled media. A spokesperson for the group has indicated that six members of the US Air Force who were directly involved in loading or transporting the missiles, were killed within 7 days of the Barksdale interception. Their deaths have been ruled 'accidents'. I repeat, these deaths happened within 7 days of the incident! The odds against this happening are mind boggling.

Is a Second More Deadly 9/11 Now In the Works? There Are Good Reasons to Believe This Is So, Richard Franklin, 22 octobre 2007
via-1 The French Connection

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mercredi, octobre 17, 2007


C'est tellement plus amusant, pour ne pas dire payant, d'inviter un imam qui ne représente que lui-même, pour conforter certains préjugés à propos de l'islam et des musulmans.

Le dîner de cons n’a pas eu lieu, Mohamed Lotfi, 17 octobre via-1 Vigile

Et sur le même sujet:

Take Action: Speak Out Against “Islamo-Facism Awareness Week”, U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, 17 octobre 2007
Merci Chris

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mardi, octobre 16, 2007


Isn't it odd that in the air attack that the US military claims killed 19 high-ranking leaders of Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia and 15 civilians, all the slain Al Qaeda members were men and all the men were Al Qaeda, while all the civilians were women (6) and children (9)?

Think about this a minute.

Slaughter of the Innocents in Iraq, Dave Lindorff, 15 octobre 2007

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Encore et encore

Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation, Alan Miller, 21 août 2007

via-1 NIST Admits Total Collapse Of Twin Towers Unexplainable, Paul Joseph Watson, 16 octobre 2007

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lundi, octobre 15, 2007

Je suis confus

Jeudi dernier, The National de la CBC diffusait un reportage intitulé Inside the Mission - Staying out of Iraq. Il révèle que lors de discussions sur la planification de l'invasion de l'Irak, lorsque le nom du Canada fut mentionné, Rumsfeld, alors secrétaire à la défense, lâcha un gros "NO!", et qu'il voyait un rôle pour le Canada en Afghanistan. Ceci est confirmé par John McCallum, ministre libéral de la défense d'alors, et par son chef de cabinet. Ce reportage souligne avec pertinence que Chrétien savait fort bien que le Canada ne pouvait pas participer à l'invasion alors qu'il laissait s'enflammer un débat sur la question.

Samedi, La Presse publiait dans son cahier Plus (Forums, Analyses) sur deux pleines pages côte à côte, fait très rare, un extrait du livre de Chrétien sur ce (faux) grand moment de sa carrière. Aucune mention, évidemment, des faits rapportés par la CBC. Et depuis j'en cherche mention dans La Presse. Ils ne cherchent quand même pas à nous berner, non?

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vendredi, octobre 12, 2007

Le talent

Nous ne sommes pas des immigrants, nous sommes des colons qui avons construit une nouvelle société en Amérique au même titre que les Américains. Nous avons défendu cette société les armes à la main. Nos ancêtres ont versé leur sang pour qu’elle existe et défende sa liberté. Nous avons une patrie et cette terre est notre patrie. Si les fédéraux font de nous des immigrants, c’est pour nous enlever le droit à cette patrie. Selon eux, elle est à tous ceux qui la veulent, mais surtout aux conquérants britanniques qui n’ont pas encore réussi à éteindre notre combat.

En fait , elle est à nous, et pour en être, il faut être avec nous. Qui ne renie pas son serment à la monarchie britannique, qui ne rejette pas les conséquences du fait colonial, qui participe à notre assimilation, n’a pas droit à notre accueil bienveillant.


En conséquence, il faut renforcer la loi 101, refinancer l’enseignement du français, exiger la connaissance du français à l’arrivée des immigrants, instaurer le cégep en français et franciser l’Université Concordia. Il ne faut pas avoir peur de fixer un seuil de possibilité d’accueil. Il faut aussi cesser d’accuser les Québécois de xénophobes et de tout ce qu’on voudra du moment qu’ils posent des questions sur leur survie nationale.

Les tabous de l’immigration, René Boulanger, octobre 2007

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O.K. mois aussi d'abord

Véridique de Craig's List:

What am I doing wrong?

Okay, I’m tired of beating around the bush. I’m a beautiful (spectacularly beautiful) 25 year old girl. I’m articulate and classy.

I’m not from New York . I’m looking to get married to a guy who makes at least half a million a year. I know how that sounds, but keep in mind that a million a year is middle class in New York City, so I don’t think I’m overreaching at all.

Are there any guys who make 500K or more on this board? Any wives? Could you send me some tips? I dated a business man who makes average around 200 - 250. But that’s where I seem to hit a roadblock. 250,000 won’t get me to central park west. I know a woman in my yoga class who was married to an investment banker and lives in Tribeca, and she’s not as pretty as I am, nor is she a great genius. So what is she doing right? How do I get to her level?

Here are my questions specifically:

- Where do you single rich men hang out? Give me specifics- bars, restaurants, gyms

- What are you looking for in a mate? Be honest guys, you won’t hurt my feelings

- Is there an age range I should be targeting (I’m 25)?

- Why are some of the women living lavish lifestyles on the upper east side so plain? I’ve seen really ‘plain jane’ boring types who have nothing to offer married to incredibly wealthy guys. I’ve seen drop dead gorgeous girls in singles bars in the east village. What’s the story there?

- Jobs I should look out for? Everyone knows - lawyer, investment banker, doctor. How much do those guys really make? And where do they hang out? Where do the hedge fund guys hang out?

- How you decide marriage vs. just a girlfriend? I am looking for MARRIAGE ONLY

Please hold your insults - I’m putting myself out there in an honest way. Most beautiful women are superficial; at least I’m being up front about it. I wouldn’t be searching for these kind of guys if I wasn’t able to match them - in looks, culture, sophistication, and keeping a nice home and hearth.

Dear XXX:

I read your posting with great interest and have thought meaningfully about your dilemma. I offer the following analysis of your predicament.

Firstly, I’m not wasting your time, I qualify as a guy who fits your bill; that is I make more than $500K per year. That said here’s how I see it.

Your offer, from the prospective of a guy like me, is plain and simple a crappy business deal. Here’s why. Cutting through all the B.S., what you suggest is a simple trade: you bring your looks to the party and I bring my money. Fine, simple. But here’s the rub, your looks will fade and my money will likely continue into perpetuity…in fact, it is very likely that my income increases but it is an absolute certainty that you won’t be getting any more beautiful!

So, in economic terms you are a depreciating asset and I am an earning asset. Not only are you a depreciating asset, your depreciation accelerates! Let me explain, you’re 25 now and will likely stay pretty hot for the next 5 years, but less so each year. Then the fade begins in earnest. By 35 stick a fork in you!

So in Wall Street terms, we would call you a trading position, not a buy and hold…hence the rub…marriage. It doesn’t make good business sense to “buy you” (which is what you’re asking) so I’d rather lease. In case you think I’m being cruel, I would say the following. If my money were to go away, so would you, so when your beauty fades I need an out. It’s as simple as that. So a deal that makes sense is dating, not marriage.

Separately, I was taught early in my career about efficient markets. So, I wonder why a girl as “articulate, classy and spectacularly beautiful” as you has been unable to find your sugar daddy. I find it hard to believe that if you are as gorgeous as you say you are that the $500K hasn’t found you, if not only for a tryout.

By the way, you could always find a way to make your own money and then we wouldn’t need to have this difficult conversation.

With all that said, I must say you’re going about it the right way.
Classic “pump and dump.”

I hope this is helpful, and if you want to enter into some sort of lease, let me know.
Craigslist Meets WallStreet…Classic, Howard Lindzon, 4 octobre 2007

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mercredi, octobre 10, 2007

Lu dans la Pravda

The film stated that lunar creatures would not tolerate the presence of Earth dwellers for long. When Americans brought a dummy car to furrow Moon craters, the creatures living on the satellite began to demonstrate their furious protest against the US presence on the Moon. Filmmakers said that green dwellers of the Moon told Americans to go home as they wanted to keep secret the sublunar bases that they used to observe the life on the Earth. It was alleged that NASA was afraid of conflicting with a highly developed civilization and immediately stopped the program

Aliens forced Americans out from the Moon, Pravda, 3 octobre 2007

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mardi, octobre 02, 2007

De valeureux démocrates

De la chambre des représentants du Texas

merci Uruk

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Les Lumières

La Patrie

La Santé

  • All quieted on the word front (pdf) [he] therefore is telling us, loud and clear, that he not only is a dedicated opponent of freedom of speech, but he believes with equal passion that it is critically important to safeguard the right to lie not in the interests of freedom of expression, which he strongly opposes, as just demonstrated, but rather in one special case: to lie in service of power and privilege.

répertoire de blogs: politique étrangère étatsunis

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